Get to Know: Bernal Heights

Bernal Heights is a mainly residential neighborhood in the SFAR District 9, flanked by Cesar Chavez Street to the north, US 101 to the east, US 280 to the south, and Mission Street to the west. The area was largely undeveloped until the 1906 earthquake and fire, after which it became a popular area during the rapid rebuilding period that followed. This included relocation of some earthquake shacks that residents took and turned into permanent housing. In fact, my client who purchased a home on Nevada Street believes it started out as an earthquake shack.

As with the other southeastern districts, Bernal Heights enjoys a microclimate that boasts sunnier weather. The massive hilltop park is a favorite with dog owners and urban hikers, and features eye-popping views of downtown San Francisco.

Bernal Heights is rich with amenities and services, including the very vibrant stretch of Mission Street around 30th, and all along Cortland Street, the arterial that cuts through the southern flank of the hill. Proximity to two major freeways as well as plenty of transit and tech shuttles has bolstered the popularity of the neighborhood.

Ever wonder why Precita Ave, on the north end of the neighborhood, is so crooked? There’s a good reason for it — or at least there used to be.

Explore the map below to see some of my favorite things in the neighborhood.


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February 2022 Market Report