Trudi’s Tips for Container Herb Gardening
Want a garden but don’t have a green thumb? Container gardening is an easy way to create a beautiful display of greenery — even if you don’t have a yard.
When Designing Your Space, Start from the Ground Up
Where do you start when considering decor? Our friend Jim Gallagher offers some simple tips to overcome the overwhelm.
Disaster Preparedness Tips
Be prepared for disasters by having a kit at the ready. Here are a few things to consider including in your go bag.
Save Your Receipts for Tax Breaks When You Sell
Capital improvements can be applied to your cost basis, reducing taxable capital gains.
Things to Consider When Hiring an Interior Designer
Our friend Jim Gallagher of Garden Court Antiques/Epoca offers some thoughts on finding, hiring, and working with an interior designer.
Encouraging Pollinators in Your Urban Garden
Avid gardener Trudi is here to tell you about the birds and the bees.
Summer Home Maintenance Tips
Here’s dpaul’s list of things to do this summer to keep your home ship shape.
Springtime Home Maintenance Tips
Spring is for more than cleaning. Now is a good time to be proactive about some work around the house to prepare for the rest of the year.
How Accurate Are Zillow Zestimates?
How are Zestimates calculated, and are they really all that accurate?
Kitchen Updates: From Simple Touches to Complete Overhauls
Transform your kitchen from a basic cooking area to the vibrant heart of your home.
Unlocking Energy Savings: Your Journey to a Greener Home
A few small tweaks can make a big difference in your utility bills.
Get Ready to Winterize Your Garden
Do these things to your garden now to maintain its health and set the stage for an abundant spring.
Get a Leak Detector to Prevent Damage
These simple devices can save you a lot of pain, and can even save you money on insurance.
Easy (and Affordable) Ways to Refresh Your Bathroom
If you’re looking to give your powder room a glow-up while you financially prepare for a full retread, here are a few inspirational ideas.